Psychological characteristics of children in adolescence What does a teenager look like at 15 years old

Nowadays, teenagers of 14-15 years old usually choose and download books for themselves, but if it is customary in your family to consult about reading, here is a list of literature, ...

Waldorf pedagogy training

Fundamental to preschool Waldorf pedagogy is the proposition that childhood is a unique period in a person's life, which faces its own special ...

Deprivation of mother's parental rights

As a rule, deprivation of rights is associated with a significant violation by parents of ethical or moral standards in relation to their own children, with the refusal of maintenance and ...

Describing depression in a teenager

“I cry all the time, whether there is a reason or not!” What to do with tears over trifles if they interfere with a normal life? And why do people cry for no reason? Excessive...

Waldorf method of child development

A child is an individual with a certain character and developmental characteristics. Many parents know that the baby needs to be taught and guided, but does it cope with ...

Drug Fen: signs and consequences of use

Substance abuse - from the Greek. toxikos, which means poisonous, and mania, passion. From a medical point of view, both substance abuse and drug addiction are addictions to psychoactive ...

If the wife does not allow to see the child after the divorce

Hello. I want to ask your advice in the following situation. I am married, this is my husband's second marriage. The first time he married at the age of 20, "by flight." The marriage ended in...

Adult non-working son what to do

I beg you to help me make a decision in a difficult situation that has been going on for more than five years. I state it very briefly, like many - from an empty account ... I have ...

My child is constantly on the Internet and wants nothing more

At the age of 11-12, a grown man enters puberty. What does this mean? The time of puberty begins, which in different children passes ...

How to teach a child to respect adults

photo - N'Grid All over the country, we hear the same thing from moms and dads striving to be good parents. In one form or another, the question is: “Why don’t my children ...



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