Invoice in 1s 8.2. Creating a document “Requirement-invoice” based on other documents in production activities


How to set up the exchange of invoices between the supplier and the buyer in a standard configuration of 1C: Enterprise Accounting edition 3.0 in order to download invoices from the supplier's invoices in Excel format using standard exchange tools without using third-party processing.

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Quite often, in the daily work of many enterprises, there is a need to load data into the invoice from the supplier’s invoice in Excel format, which the supplier, for example, sent by e-mail.

Automatic data exchange between supplier and buyer is especially relevant when the number of elements that need to be entered is tens, hundreds or even thousands, and manual entry of such a volume of data is quite labor-intensive work.

In such cases, many order the corresponding processing from 1C franchisee programmers or third-party developers, but these are additional costs and time.

The new edition 3.0 of the standard configuration "1C: Enterprise Accounting" has a built-in mechanism for loading incoming documents from the TORG-12 invoice, the Work (Services) Acceptance Certificate or the supplier's UPD in excel or mxl format.

This option for exchanging documents between counterparties can be used in the standard configuration of "Enterprise Accounting" edition 3.0, both in the local version installed on the user's computer and in the cloud version of 1C: Accounting.

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Let's consider, as an example, the process of loading data into the document "Invoice" of standard configuration 1C: Enterprise Accounting, edition 3.0 (Interface "Taxi") from the supplier's invoice in excel format (.xlsx). If the supplier saved his invoice in the .xlsx format in the standard way from the same standard configuration of 1C: Enterprise Accounting, edition 3.0, then users do not have any problems loading the invoice from this file.

Source data available:

  • Standard configuration "Enterprise Accounting", edition 3.0, which is installed by both the Supplier and the Buyer.
  • Supplier's invoice created in the standard 1C: Enterprise Accounting configuration. ed.3.0. See Figure 1.
  • It is necessary to load data from the supplier’s invoice into the “Receipt of goods and services” document in the standard 1C: Enterprise Accounting configuration. ed.3.0.

Fig.1 Supplier's invoice.

For data exchange to be possible, the following conditions must be met:

  • The card of this supplier should already exist in the directory of counterparties in your information base, and the details should be filled in.
  • All goods that we will load from the supplier’s invoice should already exist in the item directory of your 1C: Enterprise Accounting information base, rev. 3.0. If the invoice contains new items that are not yet in the database, then before loading the invoice you must enter them manually or automatically. Instructions for loading items are described in the previous part of the article series "Loading into 1C from Excel. Part 4. Loading the item reference book into 1C: Enterprise Accounting from the price list in Excel."
  • There should be no duplicate elements with the same names in the nomenclature directory of your database.

Step 1. Saving the invoice in Excel format.

In the invoice, click "Print" and in the drop-down menu select the printed form "Consignment note (TORG-12)".

A printed form of the consignment note is generated.

In the toolbar, click the button with the image of a floppy disk.

A window will open asking you to select the file format in which you want to save the printed form of the invoice. Select "Microsoft Excel 2007 Sheet (.xlsx)".

We save the file on disk and send it to the buyer.

We save the file with the printed consumable form sent by the supplier on our computer.

In user mode, open the information database into which you need to load data.

Section "Purchases" > "Receipts (acts, invoices).

The receipt document journal will open. In the log toolbar, select “Load” and select “From file” in the drop-down menu.

A standard explorer window will open, with the help of which we select the saved supplier invoice file in the ".xlsx" format to load the data into the receipt invoice.

If you are loading data for the first time, the program will automatically offer to compare the item in your database with the item from the downloaded file, selecting a product item from your item reference book for each item from the supplier's invoice.

If reference books have already been compared previously, the data will be loaded immediately, and both the details of the “header” of the invoice (Supplier, Buyer, number of the supplier’s invoice) and the details of the tabular part (Name, Price, Quantity, Amount, Rate) will be automatically filled in and the amount of VAT, Accounting Accounts, Customs Declaration and Country of Origin).

We check the correctness of the loaded information from the supplier’s invoice and if everything matches, we post the document.

Please note that this exchange option is intended only to simplify and speed up the process of entering documents and documents downloaded from a file in this way are not legally significant, therefore both the buyer and the seller must have properly executed original documents in paper form.
If it is necessary to organize the exchange of legally significant electronic documents between counterparties, which eliminate the need to exchange original documents on paper, then it is necessary to configure the electronic document management system 1C-EDO/1C:Takskom.

Set up EDI with counterparties for the exchange of electronic documents

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We wish you success!

To be continued...

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The document requirement-invoice is needed to account for the movement of valuables, write-off of inventories, and capitalization of balances and waste within the organization.

Write-off of materials for business needs

Let's look at how to make a claim invoice in the 1C:Enterprise accounting program, as well as filling it out, using the example of writing off materials for the administrative needs of a company.

To create a document, go to the “Warehouse” menu item and follow the hyperlink to the document log “Requirements-invoices”.

Fig. 1 Window of the 1C: Accounting program, menu item “Warehouse”

Fig.2 Creating a document

Pay attention to the button next to the “Create” button.

This is the Copy button. If you have to fill out documents with the same nomenclature, for example, write off gasoline every month, then you can simply copy the previous document, correcting the quantity in it.

In the form that opens, fill in the necessary details - the date of the document, the warehouse from which the materials will be written off, and using the “Selection” or “Add” button, select the item for write-off or transfer.

Fig.3 Filling in the details “Request-invoice”

Please note that if the checkbox “Cost accounts on the materials tab” is not checked, then write-off accounts are filled out on a separate tab of the document - “Cost accounts”, which are set in accordance with the accounting policies of your company.

Fig.4 Filling in details

When selecting an item (the “Selection” button), by selecting an item group in the window on the left and clicking the “Only balances” button, in the right part of the window we can see the current balances for the selected warehouse. In the “Settings” button, the “Request quantity” checkbox is checked (if not, then you can check it). In this case, when you select an item, a dialog box will appear where you enter the number of units to add to the document. The selected items will be pre-displayed at the bottom of the selection window. Then, using the “Move to Document” button, they are transferred to the tabular section.

Fig.5 Item selection window

Fig.6 Dialog box for selecting the number of items of an item

From the document, you can print the “Demand-invoice (M-11)” form and a simple printed form “Demand-invoice” by clicking the “Print” button.

Fig.7 Selecting a printing form

Fig.8 Request-waybill M-11

Fig. 9 A simple printed form of the document “Demand invoice”

Creating a “Request-invoice” document based on another document

There are many useful functions in 1C programs, one of which is document entry based on. Thus, the document we are considering can be entered on the basis of a previously executed document “Receipt (act, invoice)”. To do this, open the receipt document (from the “Purchases” section) (Fig. 10) and click the “Create based on” button. From the list, select the “Request-invoice” document and, if necessary, edit it.

Fig. 10 “1C: Accounting” program window, “Purchases” menu

Fig. 11 Document selection menu “Create based on”

Fig. 12 Document “Request-invoice” created from the document “Receipt (act, invoice)”

Creating a document “Requirement-invoice” based on other documents in production activities

Also, the “Requirement-invoice” document is available in the “Production” menu item. And if the company is engaged in production activities, then there are several more options for the design of this document, and the materials that were spent by the production workshop can also be written off through this document. Another document can be entered manually or based on the documents “Production report for a shift”, “Provision of production services”, “Sales of processing services”.

Fig. 13 Window of the “1C: Accounting” program - menu item “Production”

Let's consider creating a “Request-invoice” document based on the “Shift Production Report”.

The program provides two ways to produce finished products:

  • 1 method with write-off of materials. In this case, they are filled out according to the specifications in the document “Production Report for the Shift”;
  • Method 2 without writing off materials. Here materials can be written off based on the “Shift Production Report” using our document.

In our example, in accordance with the accounting policy, the formation of the cost of finished products is carried out according to the planned cost per unit of production without using account 40. In the future, we need to issue a “Request-invoice” and write off materials for the production of these products. The “Butter Bun” product was released from production and was previously capitalized with the document “Production Report for the Shift”. To create our document and write off materials in the “Production report for a shift” document, click the “Create based on” button and select the appropriate document.

Fig. 14 Creation based on “Production report for a shift”

In the “Requirement-invoice”, the tabular part was filled out in accordance with the specification for the products specified in the “Production Report for the Shift”.

Fig. 15 Completed document form

Each line indicates a “Cost Account”, to the debit of which all materials will be written off in accordance with the accounting policy of the enterprise (in our example, this is account 20.01 - “Main Production”), as well as “Nomenclature Group” and “Cost Item”. Thus, the document reflects the postings for writing off materials for production. Button “Show transactions and other document movements”:

Fig. 16 Accounting entries generated by the document “Request-invoice”

Write-off of customer-supplied materials using the “Demand-invoice”

The program provides the ability to keep records of operations for processing customer-supplied materials, i.e. materials transferred for processing by third-party customers. The document “Requirement-invoice” has a tab “Customer Materials”, which reflects the transfer of customer materials to production. They are accounted for in the off-balance sheet account 003.01 “Materials in warehouse”, and for processing they are transferred to account 003.02 “Materials transferred to production”.

Fig. 17 Document “Requirement-invoice” - tab “Customer Materials”

Thus, the “Demand-invoice” document can be considered a universal document for the write-off and transfer of materials.

Today we will look at one of the most pressing issues for any accountant - how to create an invoice in 1C.

An invoice in 1C is created in several simple steps. To do this, you will need to open the main menu and find the “sale” section there. In the list of items that appears, click on the “sale of goods and services” item. After clicking, the magazine of the same name will open in front of the user.

There is another way to open the journal:

    select the “sale” tab (located on the function panel);

    Find the “sale of goods and services” button and click on it.

The journal “sales of goods and services” contains almost all documents related to sales. There you can easily print documents such as:

    invoice 1C 8.2;

    the act of providing services;


To create a new document, you need to find the “add” button in the journal menu and click on it. There is an alternative way: hold down the “insert” key. As a result of these actions, the program itself will create a new document for you, in which some values ​​will already be filled in by default.

To begin, indicate the required type of operation. In our example it would be “sales and commission”.

Once you have indicated the type of operation, you can proceed to filling out the remaining details. The Ukraine invoice requires the following required information:

    indicate the counterparty (shipment is carried out to him);

    notify about the contract with the buyer (if any);

    indicate the warehouse from which the goods being sold are shipped.

Remember, you only need to specify settlement documents if there are corresponding options in settlements with counterparties or if special settings have been set in the enterprise’s accounting policy.

The next step is to fill out the table, which is located in the “products” tab. Moreover, you only need to fill it out if you sell products. For those who provide services, there is a special part of the table, which is located on the corresponding tab.

When you have added items of goods or services being sold, you need to indicate the quantity sold. After this, the program itself will calculate all positions automatically. The main thing is to fill out the necessary details correctly, then the 1C nomenclature with reference books for each category of goods will not contain errors.

Do not forget to periodically scroll the table horizontally so as not to miss any empty fields in the document. Otherwise, the 1C 8.2 invoice will be created with errors.

    container (if necessary);

    expense accounts (they need to be checked and adjusted if necessary);

    additional details (check and fill out).

If you open the “additional” tab, you will need to fill in information about the recipient of the goods, as well as the address where the goods will be delivered. In order not to leave the “seal” tab empty, you can specify information regarding the power of attorney, as well as fill out the profile of the authorized person who will receive the cargo.

After this, you need to carefully check the data that you entered in the header and in the tabular section. The invoice in 1C must contain only the correct details. When you are sure that there are no errors, click on the “record” button. If you are not going to print the created document yet, then you need to click on the “ok” button. In this case, all data will be saved, and the document will simply close, exactly until the moment you need to print it.

In our example, we will print the invoice, so after clicking on the “write” button, you will need to wait a while (the program saves the data in the document). After that, click on the “invoice” button, which is located in the bottom menu.

If you need to print other types of documents, you must first select them in the menu that is displayed by the “print” button. Next, an invoice is generated in printed form.

You can then view the results of the work both in the journal with consumable documents and in the top menu of the document itself.

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To register the sale of goods and materials to a buyer represented as a third-party organization, the primary document Consignment Note (in the TORG-12 form) is used. In the 1C program, the consignment note is a printed form that is displayed on the basis of a document reflecting the fact of the sale of goods or the provision of services to a counterparty called Sales of goods. So, to make an invoice in 1C: Accounting 3.0, you first need to create and post a sales document.

You can enter it either from the journal of sales documents, or create it by entering it based on a receipt document or an invoice for payment.

To enter a document based on it, find the required document and select the Create based on command. The created document will be filled with data from the base document.

For simple input, go to the section Sales → Sales (acts, invoices). In the document log that opens, click Sales and select Products (invoice) or Products, services, commission from the drop-down list. For example, let's choose the second option.

A new document is created, first of all you need to fill out its header.

 Number - filled in automatically when recording a document

 The document date will be set to the current date.

 The organization on whose behalf the sale is executed

 The counterparty is selected from the directory;

 Agreement - if one valid agreement has been created for a customer in the system, then the field will be filled in automatically, if several valid ones have been created for the client, then the field must be filled in by selecting an agreement from the list;

 The Invoice for payment field is filled in automatically if the sale is entered on the basis, or this field can be filled in manually by selecting the account from the list, then the tabular part of the sale document will be filled in automatically based on the invoice data

 Shipping warehouse.

At the same time, general information about the status of mutual settlements with the selected counterparty and the type of prices valid under the agreement will be displayed.

The table indicates the list of goods sold, quantity, price, VAT rate, as well as item accounting accounts. Filling out the list of items is done either line by line using the Add command, or using the selection form. In the item selection window, we see not only the list of items entered in the directory, but we also have access to information about the remaining goods in the selected warehouse. When selecting a directory item, you will be asked to indicate the quantity. The cost will be displayed automatically according to the document price type.

If you have questions on the topic of how to make an invoice in 1c, ask them in the comments under the article, our specialists will try to answer them.

The selected items are first accumulated in the list of Selected Items, from where they need to be transferred to the tabular part of the document using the Transfer to Document command.

The transfer of containers is reflected on the Returnable containers tab; on the Services tab, only items in the item directory with the item type Services are available.

To clarify the data on signatories and delivery, which will then be reflected in printed forms, use the Signatures and Delivery links. For example, if you need to indicate the recipient of the goods and materials by proxy, change the one-time person responsible for the release of cargo, indicate the consignee different from the buyer of the goods and materials according to the sales document, etc.

Based on the posted sales document, you can enter an Invoice. This is done immediately in the open document using the Enter invoice hyperlink. The data of the new document will be filled in automatically; to view it, you can go to the document using the link that appears.

When carried out, accounting entries will be generated.

The printed form is displayed by clicking the Print button and selecting the desired form from the drop-down list. In order to make an invoice in 1C Enterprise Accounting 3.0, you need to select a Consignment Note (TOGR-12) or a Consignment Note (TOGR-12) with services.

All companies that carry out the movement of inventory items by transport are required to generate commodity transport notes (CTN) or waybills (TN). This is necessary to record the movement of inventory items. On their basis, write-offs and capitalizations are carried out.

Let's look at where to find, how to set up and print TTN and TN in 1C Accounting 8.3.


When using 1C:Accounting release or higher, make the settings described below.

From the Home menu, select Functionality.

In the form that opens, go to the “Trade” tab and check whether the “Delivery of goods by road” checkbox is checked. Otherwise, install it.

Printing the invoice

Where is the TTN located in 1C 8.3? Printing of transport and invoices is made from the document “Sales (acts, invoices)”. It is located in the "Sales" section.

As an example, let’s select a previously created implementation document from the demo database with the counterparty “Ethnopark Perun”. At the very bottom of the document form, click on the “Delivery” hyperlink.

In the window that opens, you must specify information about the shipper, consignee, vehicle, driver, cargo, etc. After filling out all the data, click on the “OK” button.

Now in the sales document from the “Print” menu you can write out invoices and invoices.

The printed form of the TTN in our case will look as shown in the figure below.

A short video lesson on registering a sale and printing the necessary documents in 1C Enterprise:



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